Package rsb.internal

Class ClientThread


@Singleton public class ClientThread extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • ClientThread

      public ClientThread()
  • Method Details

    • invoke

      public void invoke(Runnable r)
      Immediately invokes a runnable onto the client thread
      r - a runnable
    • invoke

      public void invoke(BooleanSupplier r)
      Will run r on the game thread, at a unspecified point in the future. If r returns false, r will be ran again, at a later point
      r - the conditional to validate
    • invokeLater

      public void invokeLater(Runnable r)
      Will run r on the game thread after this method returns If r returns false, r will be ran again, at a later point
      r - the runnable to invoke on the client thread
    • invokeLater

      public void invokeLater(BooleanSupplier r)
      Adds a conditional to validate onto the client thread queue
      r - the conditional to add to the client thread queue