Class Test

All Implemented Interfaces:
Runnable, EventListener, PaintListener

public class Test extends Script implements PaintListener
  • Field Details

    • i

      public int i
    • up

      public boolean up
  • Constructor Details

    • Test

      public Test()
  • Method Details

    • loop

      public int loop()
      Description copied from class: Script
      The main loop. Called if you return true from onStart, then continuously until a negative integer is returned or the script stopped externally. When this script is paused this method will not be called until the script is resumed. Avoid causing execution to pause using sleep() within this method in favor of returning the number of milliseconds to sleep. This ensures that pausing and anti-randoms perform normally.
      Specified by:
      loop in class Script
      The number of milliseconds that the manager should sleep before calling it again. Returning a negative number will deactivate the script.
    • onRepaint

      public final void onRepaint(Graphics g)
      Specified by:
      onRepaint in interface PaintListener