Package rsb.util

Class OutputObjectComparer


public class OutputObjectComparer extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • OutputObjectComparer

      public OutputObjectComparer(Object object, Integer[] modifiersToInclude, String[] returnTypesToInclude, String[] returnTypesToIgnore, String[] stringsToIgnoreInName, Integer[] parameterConstraints)
      Creates an outputobjectcomparer with the given parameters
      object - the object to compare methods of
      parameterConstraints - the numbers of parameters to look for (usually going to just hold zero)
      modifiersToInclude - the modifiers of the methods to include when checking the methods
      returnTypesToInclude - the return types of the methods to include when checking the methods
      returnTypesToIgnore - the return types of the methods to ignore when checking the methods
      stringsToIgnoreInName - the strings in the names of methods to ignore when checking the methods
  • Method Details

    • getListOfMethodOutputsEx

      public HashMap<String,Object> getListOfMethodOutputsEx(Parameters[] param, Method... conditionals)
      Gets the output list based on this objects variables and parameters allowing one to add extra information to the key. Additionally one may pass a method that performs a conditional statement to allow further sorting of the array.

      IE one should make a method in the class they are calling this from then use reflection and get the method from that class like so: exampleClass.class.getMethod("conditional1", int.class)

      param - parameter array to decide what to values to return in the key
      conditionals - the conditional values to use to impact the output
      the list of keys and outputs of the object's methods respective to the parameters
    • getListOfFieldOutputsEx

      public HashMap<String,Object> getListOfFieldOutputsEx(Parameters[] param, Method... conditionals)
      Gets the output list based on this objects variables and parameters allowing one to add extra information to the key. Additionally one may pass a method that performs a conditional statement to allow further sorting of the array.

      IE one should make a method in the class they are calling this from then use reflection and get the method from that class like so: exampleClass.class.getMethod("conditional1", int.class)

      param - parameter array to decide what to values to return in the key
      conditionals - the conditional values to use to impact the output
      the list of keys and outputs of the object's methods respective to the parameters
    • getListOfMethodOutputsEx

      public static HashMap<String,Object> getListOfMethodOutputsEx(Object objectToInvoke, Integer[] modifiersToInclude, String[] returnTypesToInclude, String[] returnTypesToIgnore, String[] namesToIgnore, Integer[] parameterConstraints, Parameters... param)
      Returns a hashmap of given parameters for the keys and objects of any method for the values and also respective to the parameters supplied
      objectToInvoke - the object to check
      parameterConstraints - an array of parameter counts to allow
      modifiersToInclude - the modifiers of the method to include IE public static final ect
      returnTypesToInclude - the return types to include
      returnTypesToIgnore - the return types to ignore
      namesToIgnore - the names/strings in the names to ignore
      param - parameter array to decide what to values to return in the key
      the list of names and outputs of the object's methods respective to the parameters
    • getListOfMethodOutputs

      public HashMap<String,Object> getListOfMethodOutputs()
      Returns a hashmap of names and objects of any method with no parameters and respective to the parameters supplied
      the list of names and outputs of the object's methods respective to the parameters
    • getListOfMethodOutputs

      public static HashMap<String,Object> getListOfMethodOutputs(Object objectToInvoke, Class<?> classToCheck, Integer[] modifiersToInclude, String[] returnTypesToInclude, String[] returnTypesToIgnore, String[] namesToIgnore, Integer[] parameterConstraints)
      Returns a hashmap of names and objects of any method with no parameters and respective to the parameters supplied
      objectToInvoke - the object to check
      classToCheck - the class of the object to invoke methods on
      parameterConstraints - an array of parameter counts to allow
      modifiersToInclude - the modifiers of the method to include IE public static final ect
      returnTypesToInclude - the return types to include
      returnTypesToIgnore - the return types to ignore
      namesToIgnore - the names/strings in the names to ignore
      the list of names and outputs of the object's methods respective to the parameters
    • checkForMatching

      public ArrayList<String> checkForMatching(HashMap<String,Object> compareTo)
      Creates a hashmap of strings and object outputs to then compares to another hashmap of strings and object outputs to determine the differences and returns a list of the strings and objects that differ between the two
      compareTo - The second hashmap to compare against for collisions
      the names of the outputs that did not match
    • checkForTypeAndNoMatch

      public boolean checkForTypeAndNoMatch(Object firstObject, Object secondObject)
      Checks the first objects type and then compares it to the second object which should also be the same type
      firstObject - the first object to check
      secondObject - the object to compare to
      false unless they match
    • checkForMatchingMethodOutputsEx

      public HashMap<String,Object> checkForMatchingMethodOutputsEx(HashMap<String,Object> compareTo, Parameters... param)
      Creates a hashmap of strings and object outputs to then compares to another hashmap of strings and object outputs to determine the differences and returns a hashmap of the strings and objects that differ between the two
      compareTo - The second hashmap to compare against for collisions
      param - The parameters to use as a filter on the second hashmap
      the names of the outputs that did not match
    • convertToStringArrayStyle

      public static String convertToStringArrayStyle(ArrayList<?> stringToConvert)
      Converts the given ArrayList containing strings to a string with the style of a String[] eg String output = "{"item1", "item2", "item3", "item4"}"
      stringToConvert - ArrayList to convert to a string
      A string comprised of the contents of the ArrayList
    • convertToStringArrayStyle

      public static String convertToStringArrayStyle(List<?> stringToConvert)
      Converts the given ArrayList containing strings to a string with the style of a String[] eg String output = "{"item1", "item2", "item3", "item4"}"
      stringToConvert - List to convert to a string
      A string comprised of the contents of the List
    • convertToStringArrayStyleEx

      public static String convertToStringArrayStyleEx(HashMap<String,Object> stringObjectHashMap, Parameters... param)
      Returns everything in the hashmap as a String[] styled string
      stringObjectHashMap - the hashmap to convert
      param - The parameters to use as a filter on the second hashmap
      the string containing all the data in the hashmap as a string
    • getMethodOuputsEx

      public String getMethodOuputsEx(Parameters[] param, Method... methods)
      Returns a string of as much method outputs as the parameters passed for each object as well as allowing the passing of conditional methods to further sort the results
      param - the parameter array to decide what to values to return in the key
      methods - the methods to allow further filtering of the method outputs
      all the designated output based on the passed parameters for all objects
    • getMethodOuputsEx

      public String getMethodOuputsEx(Parameters... param)
      Returns a string of as much method outputs as the parameters passed for each object
      param - the parameter array to decide what to values to return in the key
      all the designated output based on the passed parameters for all objects
    • getFieldOutputEx

      public String getFieldOutputEx(Parameters... param)
      Returns a string of as much field values as the parameters passed for each object
      param - the parameter array to decide what to values to return in the key
      all the designated output based on the passed parameters for all objects
    • getFieldOutputEx

      public String getFieldOutputEx(Parameters[] param, Method... method)
      Returns a string of as much field values as the parameters passed for each object as well as allowing the passing of conditional methods to further sort the results
      param - the parameter array to decide what to values to return in the key
      method - the methods to allow further filtering of the method outputs
      all the designated output based on the passed parameters for all objects
    • getNamesOfMethods

      public String getNamesOfMethods()
      Gets the names of the methods into a readable string
      the names of the objects methods
    • getObjectsOfMethods

      public String getObjectsOfMethods()
      Gets the outputs of the methods into a readable string
      the outputs of the objects methods
    • unpack

      public static Object[] unpack(Object object)
      Returns the object as an array example usage: String[] names = new String[]{"rb", "xz", "ux", "pt", "ye"}; for (String name : names) { try { Method method = player.getClass().getMethod(name); Object[] output = OutputObjectComparer.unpack(method.invoke(player)); log.debug("Name: " + name); for (int i = 0; i (less than) output.length; i++) { log.debug("Output:" + (int) output[i]); } log.debug("\n\n"); } catch (Exception e) { } }
      object - the object to convert
      the object as an array
    • getStringsToIgnoreInName

      public String[] getStringsToIgnoreInName()
    • setStringsToIgnoreInName

      public void setStringsToIgnoreInName(String[] stringsToIgnoreInName)
    • getTypesToIgnore

      public String[] getTypesToIgnore()
    • setTypesToIgnore

      public void setTypesToIgnore(String[] typesToIgnore)
    • getModifiersToInclude

      public Integer[] getModifiersToInclude()
    • setModifiersToInclude

      public void setModifiersToInclude(Integer[] modifiersToInclude)
    • getObject

      public Object getObject()
    • setObject

      public void setObject(Object object)
    • getTypesToInclude

      public String[] getTypesToInclude()
    • setTypesToInclude

      public void setTypesToInclude(String[] typesToInclude)
    • getParameterConstraints

      public Integer[] getParameterConstraints()
    • setParameterConstraints

      public void setParameterConstraints(Integer[] parameterConstraints)