Package rsb.util

Class WindowUtil


public class WindowUtil extends Object
Main application window and dialog utilities.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    Returned from showConfirmDialog when the user hits the "Cancel" button.
    static final int
    Returned from showConfirmDialog when the user closes the dialog.
    static final int
    Returned from showConfirmDialog when the user hits the "No" button.
    static final int
    Use this for a confirm dialog with options "Ok" and "Cancel" (in that order)
    static final int
    Returned from showConfirmDialog when the user hits the "OK" button.
    static final int
    Use this for a confirm dialog with options "Yes" and "No" (in that order)
    static final int
    Use this for a confirm dialog with options "Yes", "No", and "Cancel" (in that order)
    static final int
    Returned from showConfirmDialog when the user hits the "Yes" button.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static Point
    Gets the window's point on screen.
    static void
    Maximizes the window.
    static void
    Minimizes the window.
    static void
    Centers a JFrame so that its position is in the center of the window.
    static void
    Restores the window (if it is minimized).
    static void
    Sets the frame that WindowUtil will use.
    static int
    Shows a confirm dialog with "Yes", "No", and "Cancel" buttons.
    static int
    showConfirmDialog(String message, int type)
    Shows a confirm dialog with the specified buttons.
    static void
    showDialog(String message)
    Shows a dialog window that appears centered in front of the Bot window that can be used to alert the user.
    static String
    Shows an input dialog with the given message.
    static void
    "Unmaximizes" the window.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final int YES_OPTION
      Returned from showConfirmDialog when the user hits the "Yes" button.
      See Also:

      public static final int NO_OPTION
      Returned from showConfirmDialog when the user hits the "No" button.
      See Also:

      public static final int CANCEL_OPTION
      Returned from showConfirmDialog when the user hits the "Cancel" button.
      See Also:

      public static final int OK_OPTION
      Returned from showConfirmDialog when the user hits the "OK" button.
      See Also:

      public static final int DIALOG_CLOSED
      Returned from showConfirmDialog when the user closes the dialog.
      See Also:

      public static final int YES_NO_CANCEL
      Use this for a confirm dialog with options "Yes", "No", and "Cancel" (in that order)
      See Also:
    • YES_NO

      public static final int YES_NO
      Use this for a confirm dialog with options "Yes" and "No" (in that order)
      See Also:

      public static final int OK_CANCEL
      Use this for a confirm dialog with options "Ok" and "Cancel" (in that order)
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • WindowUtil

      public WindowUtil()
  • Method Details

    • setFrame

      public static void setFrame(JFrame f)
      Sets the frame that WindowUtil will use. This method only sets it on the first call, to prevent tampering.
      f - The JFrame that WindowUtil should use.
    • showDialog

      public static void showDialog(String message)
      Shows a dialog window that appears centered in front of the Bot window that can be used to alert the user. This dialog will keep focus until the user closes it.
      message - The message to be shown within the dialog.
    • showInputDialog

      public static String showInputDialog(String message)
      Shows an input dialog with the given message. Text entered into the dialog box will be returned. This dialog will keep focus until the user hits OK or the user closes it.
      message - The message to be shown in the dialog.
      A string containing input the user entered into the box, or null if the user hit "Cancel" or closed the dialog.
    • showConfirmDialog

      public static int showConfirmDialog(String message)
      Shows a confirm dialog with "Yes", "No", and "Cancel" buttons.
      message - The message to appear in the dialog.
      an int representing the selected value. This value will be: JOptionPane. This can be any of the following: YES_OPTION - if the "Yes" option was pressed. NO_OPTION - if the "No" option was pressed. CANCEL_OPTION - if the "Cancel" option was pressed. DIALOG_CLOSED - if the user closed the dialog.
    • showConfirmDialog

      public static int showConfirmDialog(String message, int type)
      Shows a confirm dialog with the specified buttons. This dialog will keep focus until the user closes it.
      message - The message to be displayed in the dialog.
      type - The type of window. This can be any of the following: YES_NO_CANCEL - for a dialog that has "Yes", "No", and "Cancel" options. YES_NO - for a dialog that has "Yes" and "No" options. OK_CANCEL - for a dialog that has "Ok" and "Cancel" options.
      an int specifying what option was pressed. This can be any of the following: YES_OPTION - if the "Yes" option was pressed. NO_OPTION - if the "No" option was pressed. OK_OPTION - if the "Ok" option was pressed. CANCEL_OPTION - if the "Cancel" option was pressed. DIALOG_CLOSED - if the dialog was closed without an option being pressed.
    • position

      public static void position(JFrame f)
      Centers a JFrame so that its position is in the center of the window.
      f - The JFrame to be positioned.
    • getWindowLocation

      public static Point getWindowLocation()
      Gets the window's point on screen.
      a Point representing its point on screen.
    • minimizeWindow

      public static void minimizeWindow()
      Minimizes the window.
    • restoreWindow

      public static void restoreWindow()
      Restores the window (if it is minimized).
    • unmaximizeWindow

      public static void unmaximizeWindow()
      "Unmaximizes" the window. This is the same thing as clicking the "Restore Down" button on Windows when the window is maximized.
    • maximizeWindow

      public static void maximizeWindow()
      Maximizes the window.