Class RuneLite


@Singleton public class RuneLite extends net.runelite.client.RuneLite
  • Field Details


      public static final File RUNELITE_DIR

      public static final File CACHE_DIR

      public static final File PLUGINS_DIR

      public static final File PROFILES_DIR

      public static final File SCREENSHOT_DIR
    • LOGS_DIR

      public static final File LOGS_DIR

      public static final File DEFAULT_SESSION_FILE

      public static final File DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE

      public static String USER_AGENT
    • clientUI

      @Inject public net.runelite.client.ui.ClientUI clientUI
    • inputFlags

      public volatile int inputFlags
      Defines what types of input are enabled when overrideInput is false. Defaults to 'keyboard only' whenever a script is started.
    • overrideInput

      public volatile boolean overrideInput
      whether user input is allowed despite a script's preference.
    • disableRandoms

      public volatile boolean disableRandoms
      whether all anti-randoms are enabled.
    • disableAutoLogin

      public volatile boolean disableAutoLogin
      whether the login screen anti-random is enabled.
    • disableRendering

      public volatile boolean disableRendering
      whether rendering is enabled.
    • disableCanvas

      public volatile boolean disableCanvas
      whether the canvas is enabled.
  • Constructor Details

    • RuneLite

      public RuneLite()
  • Method Details

    • changeCanvasState

      public void changeCanvasState()
      Set the canvas to the opposite state
    • getAccountName

      public String getAccountName()
    • getClient

      public net.runelite.api.Client getClient()
    • getItemManager

      public getItemManager()
    • getMethodContext

      public MethodContext getMethodContext()
    • getEventManager

      public EventManager getEventManager()
    • getInputManager

      public InputManager getInputManager()
    • getBreakHandler

      public BreakHandler getBreakHandler()
    • getScriptHandler

      public ScriptHandler getScriptHandler()
    • getPassiveScriptHandler

      public PassiveScriptHandler getPassiveScriptHandler()
    • addListener

      public void addListener(Class<?> clazz)
    • removeListener

      public void removeListener(Class<?> clazz)
    • hasListener

      public boolean hasListener(Class<?> clazz)
    • getImage

      public BufferedImage getImage()
    • getPanel

      public Component getPanel()
    • setPanel

      public void setPanel(Component c)
    • setAccount

      public boolean setAccount(String name)
      Sets an account for the RuneLite (Bot) instance
      name - The name of the account
      If the account existed already
    • getCanvas

      public Canvas getCanvas()
      Gets the canvas object while checking to make sure we don't do this before it has actually loaded
      The Canvas if the client is loaded otherwise null
    • getBufferGraphics

      public Graphics getBufferGraphics(net.runelite.api.MainBufferProvider mainBufferProvider)
      Grabs the graphics visible on the canvas from the main buffer using the associated provider
      mainBufferProvider - An object that provides the main buffer (canvas info) for this client instance
      The graphics of the Canvas
    • getLoader

      public Applet getLoader()
    • launch

      public static void launch(joptsimple.OptionParser parser, joptsimple.ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<?>[] optionSpecs, joptsimple.OptionSet options) throws Exception
      Launches a single instance of RuneLite
      parser - The command-line parser for the program
      optionSpecs - The option specs for the program
      options - The option set for the program
      Exception - Any exception the client or RuneLite might throw
    • handleParsing

      public static joptsimple.ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<?>[] handleParsing(joptsimple.OptionParser parser)
      Handles the command-line arguments using the OptionParser passed through and assigns our option specs accordingly and then returns them for use
      parser - The parser to use for handling the command-line arguments
      The ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec array (the fields for our options)
    • handleOptions

      public static void handleOptions(joptsimple.OptionParser parser, joptsimple.ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<?>[] optionSpecs, joptsimple.OptionSet options) throws IOException
      parser - The parser responsible for reading the command-line arguments
      optionSpecs - The associated fields to the corresponding options
      options - The actual set of options required for initialization
      IOException - Any input/output exception
    • setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler

      public static void setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler()
      Creates a thread to handle uncaught exceptions created by RuneLite
    • initializeClient

      public static void initializeClient(joptsimple.ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<?>[] optionSpecs, joptsimple.OptionSet options)
      Initializes the RuneLite processes after having parsed and handled the command line arguments
      optionSpecs - The associated fields to the corresponding options
      options - The actual set of options required for initialization
    • getPanelSize

      public Dimension getPanelSize()
      Returns the size of the panel that clients should be drawn into. For internal use.
      The client panel size.
    • init

      public void init() throws Exception
      The actual method associated with initializing the client-related data. Such as creating the client sizing and binding the plethora of handlers, listeners, and managers to this particular RuneLite instance (outside the injector binding)
      Exception - Any exception the client, bot, or RuneLite might throw.
    • setMethodContext

      public void setMethodContext()
      Assigns this instance of the RuneLite (Bot) a method context for calling bot api methods as well as assigns bank constants here.
    • shutdown

      public void shutdown()
      Stops and shuts down the current bot instance
    • setInjector

      public static void setInjector()