Package rsb.methods

Class MethodContext


public class MethodContext extends Object
For internal use to link MethodProviders.
  • Field Details

    • game

      public final Game game
      The singleton of GameScreen
    • random

      public final Random random
      The instance of Random for random number generation.
    • calc

      public final Calculations calc
      The singleton of Calculations
    • interfaces

      public final Interfaces interfaces
      The singleton of Interfaces
    • gui

      public final GameGUI gui
      The singleton of DynamicConstants
    • mouse

      public final Mouse mouse
      The singleton of Mouse
    • keyboard

      public final Keyboard keyboard
      The singleton of Keyboard
    • inputManager

      public final InputManager inputManager
      The Bot's input manager
    • npcs

      public final NPCs npcs
      The singleton of NPCs
    • players

      public final Players players
      The singleton of players
    • tiles

      public final Tiles tiles
      The singleton of Tile
    • camera

      public final Camera camera
      The singleton of Camera
    • objects

      public final Objects objects
      The singleton of Objects
    • store

      public final Store store
      The singleton of store
    • inventory

      public final Inventory inventory
      The singleton of Inventory
    • bank

      public final Bank bank
      The singleton of bank
    • env

      public final Environment env
      The singleton of Environment
    • walking

      public final Walking walking
      The singleton of Walking
    • settings

      public final Settings settings
      The singleton of Settings
    • account

      public final Account account
      the singleton of Account
    • combat

      public final Combat combat
      The singleton of Combat
    • skills

      public final Skills skills
      The singleton of skills
    • prayer

      public final Prayer prayer
      The singleton of Prayer
    • magic

      public final Magic magic
      The singleton of Magic
    • groundItems

      public final GroundItems groundItems
      The singleton of GroundItems
    • web

      public final Web web
      The singleton of Web
    • trade

      public final Trade trade
      The singleton of Trade
    • equipment

      public final Equipment equipment
      The singleton of Equipment
    • grandExchange

      public final GrandExchange grandExchange
      The singleton of GrandExchange
    • virtualMouse

      public final VirtualMouse virtualMouse
      The singleton of virtual mouse
    • virtualKeyboard

      public final VirtualKeyboard virtualKeyboard
      The singleton of virtual keyboard
    • worldHopper

      public final WorldHopper worldHopper
      The singleton of WorldHopper
    • client

      public final net.runelite.api.Client client
      The client
    • runeLite

      public final RuneLite runeLite
    • clientThreadProvider

      public<net.runelite.client.callback.ClientThread> clientThreadProvider
    • executorService

      public final ExecutorService executorService
    • chooseOption

      public final ChooseOption chooseOption
    • npcChat

      public final NPCChat npcChat
  • Constructor Details

    • MethodContext

      public MethodContext(RuneLite runeLite)
      Creates a method context for this client
      runeLite - The client to provide method contexts for