Package rsb.methods

Class Mouse

public class Mouse extends MethodProvider
Mouse related operations.
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class rsb.methods.MethodProvider

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    click(boolean leftClick)
    Clicks the mouse at its current location.
    click(boolean leftClick, int moveAfterDist)
    click(int x, int y, boolean leftClick)
    Moves the mouse to a given location then clicks.
    click(int x, int y, int randX, int randY, boolean leftClick)
    Moves the mouse to a given location with given randomness then clicks.
    click(int x, int y, int randX, int randY, boolean leftClick, int moveAfterDist)
    Moves the mouse to a given location with given randomness then clicks, then moves a random distance up to afterOffset.
    click(net.runelite.api.Point p, boolean leftClick)
    Moves the mouse to a given location then clicks.
    click(net.runelite.api.Point p, int x, int y, boolean leftClick)
    click(net.runelite.api.Point p, int x, int y, boolean leftClick, int moveAfterDist)
    Moves the mouse to a given location with given randomness then clicks, then moves a random distance up to afterOffset.
    Moves the mouse slightly depending on where it currently is and clicks.
    drag(int x, int y)
    Drag the mouse from the current position to a certain other position.
    drag(net.runelite.api.Point p)
    Drag the mouse from the current position to a certain other position.
    The location of the bot's mouse; or Point(-1, -1) if off screen.
    getRandomX(int maxDistance)
    getRandomY(int maxDistance)
    Gets the mouse speed.
    hop(int x, int y)
    Hops mouse to the specified coordinate.
    hop(int x, int y, int randX, int randY)
    Hops mouse to the certain coordinate.
    hop(net.runelite.api.Point p)
    Hops mouse to the specified point.
    hop(net.runelite.api.Point p, int randX, int randY)
    Hops mouse to the certain point.
    move(int x, int y)
    Moves mouse to location (x,y) at default speed.
    move(int x, int y, int afterOffset)
    Moves the mouse to the specified point and then by a randomized offset at default speed.
    move(int x, int y, int randX, int randY)
    Moves the mouse to the specified point with a randomized variation at default speed.
    move(int speed, int x, int y, int randX, int randY)
    Moves the mouse to the specified point at a certain speed.
    move(int speed, int x, int y, int randX, int randY, int afterOffset)
    Moves the mouse to the specified point at a certain speed with variance in the x and y, then moves a random distance up to afterOffset.
    move(int speed, net.runelite.api.Point p)
    Moves the mouse to the specified point at a certain speed
    move(net.runelite.api.Point p)
    Moves the mouse to the specified point
    move(net.runelite.api.Point p, int afterOffset)
    Moves the mouse to the specified point then adds random distance up to afterOffset.
    move(net.runelite.api.Point p, int randX, int randY)
    Moves the mouse to the specified point then adds random distance within to randX and randY
    move(net.runelite.api.Point p, int randX, int randY, int afterOffset)
    Moves the mouse to the specified point at a certain speed with variance in the x and y, then moves a random distance up to afterOffset.
    Moves the mouse off the screen in a random direction.
    moveRandomly(int maxDistance)
    Author - Enfilade Moves the mouse a random distance between 1 and maxDistance from the current position of the mouse by generating a random vector and then multiplying it by a random number between 1 and maxDistance.
    moveRandomly(int minDistance, int maxDistance)
    Author - Enfilade Moves the mouse a random distance between minDistance and maxDistance from the current position of the mouse by generating random vector and then multiplying it by a random number between minDistance and maxDistance.
    Moves the mouse slightly depending on where it currently is.
    setSpeed(int speed)
    Changes the mouse speed

    Methods inherited from class rsb.methods.MethodProvider

    random, random, random, random, sleep

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • moveRandomly

      public void moveRandomly(int maxDistance)
      Author - Enfilade Moves the mouse a random distance between 1 and maxDistance from the current position of the mouse by generating a random vector and then multiplying it by a random number between 1 and maxDistance. The maximum distance is cut short if the mouse would go off screen in the direction it chose.
      maxDistance - The maximum distance the cursor will move (exclusive)
    • moveRandomly

      public void moveRandomly(int minDistance, int maxDistance)
      Author - Enfilade Moves the mouse a random distance between minDistance and maxDistance from the current position of the mouse by generating random vector and then multiplying it by a random number between minDistance and maxDistance. The maximum distance is cut short if the mouse would go off screen in the direction it chose.
      minDistance - The minimum distance the cursor will move
      maxDistance - The maximum distance the cursor will move (exclusive)
    • moveOffScreen

      public void moveOffScreen()
      Moves the mouse off the screen in a random direction.
    • drag

      public void drag(int x, int y)
      Drag the mouse from the current position to a certain other position.
      x - The x coordinate to drag to.
      y - The y coordinate to drag to.
    • drag

      public void drag(net.runelite.api.Point p)
      Drag the mouse from the current position to a certain other position.
      p - The point to drag to.
      See Also:
    • click

      public void click(boolean leftClick)
      Clicks the mouse at its current location.
      leftClick - true to left-click, falseto right-click.
    • click

      public void click(boolean leftClick, int moveAfterDist)
    • click

      public void click(int x, int y, boolean leftClick)
      Moves the mouse to a given location then clicks.
      x - x coordinate
      y - y coordinate
      leftClick - true to left-click, falseto right-click.
    • click

      public void click(int x, int y, int randX, int randY, boolean leftClick)
      Moves the mouse to a given location with given randomness then clicks.
      x - x coordinate
      y - y coordinate
      randX - x randomness (added to x)
      randY - y randomness (added to y)
      leftClick - true to left-click, falseto right-click.
      See Also:
    • click

      public void click(int x, int y, int randX, int randY, boolean leftClick, int moveAfterDist)
      Moves the mouse to a given location with given randomness then clicks, then moves a random distance up to afterOffset.
      x - x coordinate
      y - y coordinate
      randX - x randomness (added to x)
      randY - y randomness (added to y)
      leftClick - true to left-click, falseto right-click.
      moveAfterDist - The maximum distance in pixels to move on both axes shortly after moving to the destination.
    • click

      public void click(net.runelite.api.Point p, boolean leftClick)
      Moves the mouse to a given location then clicks.
      p - The point to click.
      leftClick - true to left-click, falseto right-click.
    • click

      public void click(net.runelite.api.Point p, int x, int y, boolean leftClick)
    • click

      public void click(net.runelite.api.Point p, int x, int y, boolean leftClick, int moveAfterDist)
      Moves the mouse to a given location with given randomness then clicks, then moves a random distance up to afterOffset.
      p - The destination Point.
      x - x coordinate
      y - y coordinate
      leftClick - true to left-click, falseto right-click.
      moveAfterDist - The maximum distance in pixels to move on both axes shortly after moving to the destination.
    • clickSlightly

      public void clickSlightly()
      Moves the mouse slightly depending on where it currently is and clicks.
    • getSpeed

      public int getSpeed()
      Gets the mouse speed.
      the current mouse speed.
      See Also:
    • setSpeed

      public void setSpeed(int speed)
      Changes the mouse speed
      speed - The speed to move the mouse at. 4-10 is advised, 1 being the fastest.
      See Also:
    • move

      public void move(int x, int y)
      Moves mouse to location (x,y) at default speed.
      x - x coordinate
      y - y coordinate
      See Also:
    • move

      public void move(int x, int y, int afterOffset)
      Moves the mouse to the specified point and then by a randomized offset at default speed.
      x - The x destination.
      y - The y destination.
      afterOffset - The maximum distance in pixels to move on both axes shortly after moving to the destination.
      See Also:
    • move

      public void move(int x, int y, int randX, int randY)
      Moves the mouse to the specified point with a randomized variation at default speed.
      x - The x destination.
      y - The y destination.
      randX - x-axis randomness (added to x).
      randY - y-axis randomness (added to y).
      See Also:
    • move

      public void move(int speed, int x, int y, int randX, int randY)
      Moves the mouse to the specified point at a certain speed.
      speed - The lower, the faster.
      x - The x destination.
      y - The y destination.
      randX - x-axis randomness (added to x).
      randY - y-axis randomness (added to y).
      See Also:
    • move

      public void move(int speed, int x, int y, int randX, int randY, int afterOffset)
      Moves the mouse to the specified point at a certain speed with variance in the x and y, then moves a random distance up to afterOffset.
      speed - The lower, the faster.
      x - The x destination.
      y - The y destination.
      randX - X-axis randomness (added to x).
      randY - X-axis randomness (added to y).
      afterOffset - The maximum distance in pixels to move on both axes shortly after moving to the destination.
    • move

      public void move(int speed, net.runelite.api.Point p)
      Moves the mouse to the specified point at a certain speed
      speed - The lower, the faster.
      p - The x and y destination.
    • move

      public void move(net.runelite.api.Point p)
      Moves the mouse to the specified point
      p - The x and y destination.
    • move

      public void move(net.runelite.api.Point p, int afterOffset)
      Moves the mouse to the specified point then adds random distance up to afterOffset.
      p - The x and y destination.
      afterOffset - The maximum distance in pixels to move on both axes shortly after moving to the destination.
    • move

      public void move(net.runelite.api.Point p, int randX, int randY)
      Moves the mouse to the specified point then adds random distance within to randX and randY
      p - The x and y destination.
      randX - X-axis randomness (added to x).
      randY - X-axis randomness (added to y).
    • move

      public void move(net.runelite.api.Point p, int randX, int randY, int afterOffset)
      Moves the mouse to the specified point at a certain speed with variance in the x and y, then moves a random distance up to afterOffset.
      p - The x and y destination.
      randX - X-axis randomness (added to x).
      randY - X-axis randomness (added to y).
      afterOffset - The maximum distance in pixels to move on both axes shortly after moving to the destination.
    • hop

      public void hop(int x, int y)
      Hops mouse to the specified coordinate.
      x - The x coordinate.
      y - The y coordinate
    • hop

      public void hop(net.runelite.api.Point p)
      Hops mouse to the specified point.
      p - The coordinate point.
      See Also:
    • hop

      public void hop(int x, int y, int randX, int randY)
      Hops mouse to the certain coordinate.
      x - The x coordinate.
      y - The y coordinate.
      randX - The x coordinate randomization.
      randY - The y coordinate randomization.
      See Also:
    • hop

      public void hop(net.runelite.api.Point p, int randX, int randY)
      Hops mouse to the certain point.
      p - The coordinate point.
      randX - The x coordinate randomization.
      randY - The y coordinate randomization.
      See Also:
    • moveSlightly

      public void moveSlightly()
      Moves the mouse slightly depending on where it currently is.
    • getRandomX

      public int getRandomX(int maxDistance)
      maxDistance - The maximum distance outwards.
      A random x value between the current client location and the max distance outwards.
    • getRandomY

      public int getRandomY(int maxDistance)
      maxDistance - The maximum distance outwards.
      A random y value between the current client location and the max distance outwards.
    • getLocation

      public net.runelite.api.Point getLocation()
      The location of the bot's mouse; or Point(-1, -1) if off screen.
      A Point containing the bot's mouse's x and y coordinates.
    • getPressLocation

      public net.runelite.api.Point getPressLocation()
      The Point at which the bot's mouse was last clicked.
    • getPressTime

      public long getPressTime()
      The system time when the bot's mouse was last pressed.
    • isPresent

      public boolean isPresent()
      true if the bot's mouse is present.
    • isPressed

      public boolean isPressed()
      true if the bot's mouse is pressed.