Package rsb.methods

package rsb.methods
  • Class
    Selected account information.
    Game world and projection calculations.
    Camera related operations.
    Combat related operations.
    Bot environment related operations.
    Equipment related operations.
    Game state and GUI operations.
    Different Types of Chat Modes
    For internal use to find GUI components.
    An enumerated type representing the tabs interfaces and their WidgetInfo.
    Obtains information on tradeable items from the Grand Exchange website and Grand Exchange ingame interaction.
    Provides access to ground items.
    Provides access to interfaces.
    Inventory related operations.
    Keyboard related operations.
    Magic tab and spell related operations.
    Provides Magic Book(s) Information.
    Context menu related operations.
    For internal use to link MethodProviders.
    A class that provides methods that use data from the game client.
    Provides access to methods that can be used by RSBot scripts.
    Mouse related operations.
    Provides access to non-player characters.
    Provides access to in-game physical objects.
    Player related operations.
    Prayer related operations.
    Provides access to game settings.
    This class is for all the skill calculations.
    Store related operations.
    Tile related operations.
    Trade handling.
    Walking related operations.