Package rsb.wrappers

Class RSCharacter

All Implemented Interfaces:
Clickable, Clickable07, Positionable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class RSCharacter extends MethodProvider implements Clickable07, Positionable
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getPathX

      public int[] getPathX()
    • getPathY

      public int[] getPathY()
    • doAction

      public boolean doAction(String action)
      Performs an action on a humanoid character (tall and skinny).
      Specified by:
      doAction in interface Clickable
      action - The action of the menu entry to be clicked (if available).
      true if the option was found; otherwise false.
    • doAction

      public boolean doAction(String action, String option)
      Performs an action on a humanoid character (tall and skinny).
      Specified by:
      doAction in interface Clickable
      action - The action of the menu entry to be clicked (if available).
      option - The option of the menu entry to be clicked (if available).
      true if the option was found; otherwise false.
    • getModel

      public RSModel getModel()
    • getAnimation

      public int getAnimation()
    • getGraphic

      public int getGraphic()
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight()
    • getHPPercent

      public int getHPPercent()
      The % of HP
    • getLocation

      public WalkerTile getLocation()
      Description copied from interface: Positionable
      Gets the tile position of the entity as provided by the client
      Specified by:
      getLocation in interface Positionable
      the tile position of the entity if it exists, else null
    • getMessage

      public String getMessage()
    • getMinimapLocation

      public net.runelite.api.Point getMinimapLocation()
      Gets the minimap location, of the character. Note: This does work when it's walking!
      The location of the character on the minimap.
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • getLevel

      public int getLevel()
    • getOrientation

      public int getOrientation()
    • getScreenLocation

      public net.runelite.api.Point getScreenLocation()
    • isBeingAttacked

      public boolean isBeingAttacked()
    • isAttacking

      public boolean isAttacking()
    • isInCombat

      public boolean isInCombat()
    • isInteractingWithLocalPlayer

      public boolean isInteractingWithLocalPlayer()
    • isAnimating

      public boolean isAnimating()
    • isOnScreen

      public boolean isOnScreen()
    • isValid

      public boolean isValid()
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • turnTo

      public boolean turnTo()
      Turns towards the RSCharacter.
      Specified by:
      turnTo in interface Positionable
      true - If RSCharacter is on screen after attempting to move camera angle.
    • doHover

      public boolean doHover()
      Hovers this Player/NPC
      Specified by:
      doHover in interface Clickable
    • doClick

      public boolean doClick()
      Specified by:
      doClick in interface Clickable
    • doClick

      public boolean doClick(boolean leftClick)
      Specified by:
      doClick in interface Clickable
    • isClickable

      public boolean isClickable()
      Specified by:
      isClickable in interface Clickable07
    • getDirectionFacing

      public RSCharacter.DIRECTION getDirectionFacing()