Class CharacterMovedEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CharacterMovedEvent extends RSEvent
A character moved event.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CharacterMovedEvent

      public CharacterMovedEvent(MethodContext ctx, net.runelite.api.Actor character, int direction)
  • Method Details

    • dispatch

      public void dispatch(EventListener el)
      Specified by:
      dispatch in class RSEvent
    • getCharacter

      public RSCharacter getCharacter()
    • getDirection

      public int getDirection()
      0 = NW 1 = N 2 = NE 3 = W 4 = E 5 = SW 6 = S 7 = SE
      Returns the direction of the character movement event.
    • getMask

      public long getMask()
      Specified by:
      getMask in class RSEvent