Package rsb.plugin

Class ScriptSelector

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible, RootPaneContainer, WindowConstants, ScriptListener

public class ScriptSelector extends JDialog implements ScriptListener
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ScriptSelector

      public ScriptSelector(RuneLite bot)
      Creates a script selector for the given bot instance
      bot - the bot instance
    • ScriptSelector

      public ScriptSelector(Frame frame, RuneLite bot)
      Creates a script selector for the given bot instance
      frame - the frame to bind this to
      bot - the bot instance
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
    • getInstance

      public static ScriptSelector getInstance(RuneLite bot)
      Gets the singleton for the script selector TODO: remove the bot instance being required
      bot - the bot instance
      the singleton for script selector
    • update

      public void update()
      Updates the script panel
    • load

      public void load()
      Loads the scripts from the script directories
    • getTable

      public JTable getTable(int icon, int name, int version, int desc)
      Generates and returns the script table
      icon - The icon for the script
      name - The name of the script
      version - The version of the script
      desc - The description of the script
      script table
    • getSearch

      public JTextField getSearch()
      Generates and returns the search button
      search button
    • getAccounts

      public JComboBox<?> getAccounts()
      Generates and returns the accounts from the AccountManager
      account combo box
    • scriptStarted

      public void scriptStarted(ScriptHandler handler, Script script)
      Specified by:
      scriptStarted in interface ScriptListener
    • scriptStopped

      public void scriptStopped(ScriptHandler handler, Script script)
      Specified by:
      scriptStopped in interface ScriptListener
    • scriptResumed

      public void scriptResumed(ScriptHandler handler, Script script)
      Specified by:
      scriptResumed in interface ScriptListener
    • scriptPaused

      public void scriptPaused(ScriptHandler handler, Script script)
      Specified by:
      scriptPaused in interface ScriptListener
    • inputChanged

      public void inputChanged(RuneLite bot, int mask)
      Specified by:
      inputChanged in interface ScriptListener