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Hack - Enum constant in enum class rsb.service.Monitoring.Event
HANDLE_RUN - Enum constant in enum class rsb.wrappers.RSPath.TraversalOption
handleOptions(OptionParser, ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec<?>[], OptionSet) - Static method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
handleParsing(OptionParser) - Static method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
Handles the command-line arguments using the OptionParser passed through and assigns our option specs accordingly and then returns them for use
hasDefinition() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSItem
Returns whether this item has an available definition.
hasFocus() - Method in class rsb.internal.input.Canvas
hashCode() - Method in class rsb.util.Pair
hashCode() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter
hashCode() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSObject
hashCode() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
hasListener(Class<?>) - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
HAWK_EYE - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.Prayer
HIDE - Enum constant in enum class rsb.methods.Game.ChatMode
holdKey(int, int) - Method in class rsb.internal.InputManager
hop(int, int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Mouse
Hops mouse to the specified coordinate.
hop(int, int, int, int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Mouse
Hops mouse to the certain coordinate.
hop(Point) - Method in class rsb.methods.Mouse
Hops mouse to the specified point.
hop(Point, int, int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Mouse
Hops mouse to the certain point.
hopMouse(int, int) - Method in class rsb.internal.InputManager
hover() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSModel
Moves the mouse onto the RSModel.
hoverSpell(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Magic
Hovers a specified spell, opens magic tab if not open and uses interface of the spell to hover it, so it works if the spells are layout in any sway.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form