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game - Variable in class rsb.methods.MethodContext
The singleton of GameScreen
Game - Class in rsb.methods
Game state and GUI operations.
GAME - Enum constant in enum class rsb.wrappers.RSObject.Type
Game.ChatMode - Enum Class in rsb.methods
Different Types of Chat Modes
GameGUI - Class in rsb.methods
For internal use to find GUI components.
GameGUI(MethodContext) - Constructor for class rsb.methods.GameGUI
GameGUI.Tab - Enum Class in rsb.methods
An enumerated type representing the tabs interfaces and their WidgetInfo.
gaussian() - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Returns a random real number from a standard Gaussian distribution.
gaussian(double, double) - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Returns a random real number from a Gaussian distribution with mean μ and standard deviation σ.
gaussian(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Returns a random real number from a Gaussian distribution with mean μ and standard deviation σ.
generateControls(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class rsb.internal.MouseHandler
Creates random control points for a spline.
generateSpline(Point[]) - Static method in class rsb.internal.MouseHandler
Generates a spline that moves no more then one pixel at a time TIP: For most movements, this spline is not good, use applyDynamism
geometric(double) - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Returns a random integer from a geometric distribution with success probability p.
get() - Method in class rsb.internal.RuntimeConfigLoader
get(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Interfaces
Gets a widget corresponding to the index
get(String) - Method in class rsb.util.AccountStore
getAbsoluteX() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the absolute x position of the child, calculated from the beginning of the game screen
getAbsoluteY() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the absolute y position of the child, calculated from the beginning of the game screen
getAccessor() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSNPC
getAccessor() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSPlayer
getAccountName() - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
getAccountNames() - Static method in class rsb.plugin.AccountManager
Access the list of names for loaded accounts
getAccountPanel() - Static method in class rsb.plugin.Botplugin
getAccounts() - Method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector
Generates and returns the accounts from the AccountManager
getAccountsFile() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
Retrieves the file containing account information by checking the OS to determine the path and file name to use
getAction() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.RSMenuNode
getActions() - Method in class rsb.methods.Menu
getActions() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSNPC
getActions() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the actions of this component.
getAll() - Method in class rsb.methods.GroundItems
Returns all ground items in the loaded area.
getAll() - Method in class rsb.methods.NPCs
Returns an array of all loaded RSNPCs.
getAll() - Method in class rsb.methods.Objects
Returns all the RSObjects in the local region.
getAll() - Method in class rsb.methods.Players
Returns an array of all valid RSPlayers.
getAll(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.GroundItems
Returns all ground items within the provided range.
getAll(int, Filter<RSGroundItem>) - Method in class rsb.methods.GroundItems
Returns all matching ground items within the provided range.
getAll(Predicate<RSNPC>) - Method in class rsb.methods.NPCs
Returns an array of all loaded RSNPCs that are accepted by the provided Filter
getAll(Predicate<RSObject>) - Method in class rsb.methods.Objects
Returns all the RSObjects in the local region accepted by the provided Filter.
getAll(Filter<RSGroundItem>) - Method in class rsb.methods.GroundItems
Returns all matching ground items in the loaded area.
getAll(Filter<RSPlayer>) - Method in class rsb.methods.Players
Returns an array of all valid RSPlayers.
getAllAt(int, int) - Method in class rsb.methods.GroundItems
Returns all the ground items at a tile on the current plane.
getAllAt(RSTile) - Method in class rsb.methods.GroundItems
Returns all the ground items at a tile on the current plane.
getAllAt(RSTile) - Method in class rsb.methods.Objects
Returns the RSObjects which are on the specified RSTile .
getAngle() - Method in class rsb.methods.Camera
Returns the current compass orientation in degrees, with North at 0, increasing counter-clockwise to 360.
getAngleTo(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Camera
Returns the angle between the current camera angle and the given angle in degrees.
getAnimation() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter
getArea() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSObject
Gets the area of tiles covered by this object.
getArea() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the area of this component
getArea() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidgetItem
Gets the canvas area of the item
getArea() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.ChooseOption
getArea() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.RSMenuNode
getArrayIndex(int, int[]) - Method in class rsb.util.SkillTracker
Determines the true index for an item within the specified array.
getAt(RSTile, int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Objects
Returns the RSObjects which are on the specified RSTile matching types specified by the flags in the provided mask.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class rsb.util.AccountStore.Account
getAvailableBankSpace() - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the text color of this component
getBaseX() - Method in class rsb.methods.Game
Gets the x coordinate of the loaded map area (far west).
getBaseY() - Method in class rsb.methods.Game
Gets the y coordinate of the loaded map area (far south).
getBootCache() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getBorderThickness() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the border thickness of this component
getBot() - Method in class rsb.internal.PassiveScriptHandler
getBot() - Method in class rsb.internal.ScriptHandler
getBot() - Method in class rsb.script.Script
getBot(Object) - Static method in class rsb.botLauncher.Application
Returns the Bot for any object loaded in its client.
getBots() - Static method in class rsb.botLauncher.Application
Retrieves all running bot instances
getBounds() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSArea
getBounds() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
getBoxCount() - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Gets the count of all items in your inventory ignoring stack sizes while deposit box is open.
getBoxCount(int...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Gets the count of all the items in the inventory with the any of the specified IDs while deposit box is open.
getBoxInterface() - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Gets the deposit box interface.
getBreakHandler() - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
getBreakTime() - Method in class rsb.internal.BreakHandler
getBufferGraphics(MainBufferProvider) - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
Grabs the graphics visible on the canvas from the main buffer using the associated provider
getBytesUtf8(String) - Static method in class rsb.util.StringUtil
getCacheDirectory() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getCachedItems() - Method in class rsb.methods.Equipment
Gets the cached equipment array (i.e.
getCachedItems() - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets all the items in the inventory.
getCanvas() - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
Gets the canvas object while checking to make sure we don't do this before it has actually loaded
getCenter() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Returns the center point of this interface
getCentralTile() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSArea
getCharacter() - Method in class
getCharacterAngle(RSCharacter) - Method in class rsb.methods.Camera
Returns the camera angle at which the camera would be facing a certain character.
getChildId() - Method in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetInfo
Gets the ID of the child in the group.
getChildIndex() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the child index of this widget
getClient() - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
getClientCache() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getClientPressTime() - Method in class rsb.internal.input.VirtualMouse
getClientPressX() - Method in class rsb.internal.input.VirtualMouse
getClientPressY() - Method in class rsb.internal.input.VirtualMouse
getClientState() - Method in class rsb.methods.Game
Gets the game state.
getClientX() - Method in class rsb.internal.input.VirtualMouse
getClientY() - Method in class rsb.internal.input.VirtualMouse
getClosestTileOnMap(RSTile) - Method in class rsb.methods.Walking
Returns the closest tile on the minimap to a given tile.
getCollisionFlags(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Walking
Gets the collision flags for a given floor level in the loaded region.
getColorAtPoint(int, int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Game
Gets a color corresponding to x and y co ordinates from the current game screen.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector.ScriptTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector.ScriptTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector.ScriptTableModel
getCombatLevel() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSPlayer
getCompass() - Method in class rsb.methods.GameGUI
getComponent() - Method in class rsb.internal.input.Mouse
getComponent() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSItem
Gets the component wrapped by this RSItem.
getComponent(int) - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the child component at a given index
getComponent(int, int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Interfaces
Gets a widget corresponding to the indexes
getComponent(WidgetInfo) - Method in class rsb.methods.Interfaces
Gets a widget corresponding to the widget info
getComponent(GlobalWidgetInfo) - Method in class rsb.methods.Interfaces
Gets a widget corresponding to the widget info
getComponents() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
The child components (bank items etc) of this component.
getContinueComponent() - Method in class rsb.methods.Interfaces
Gets the click here to continue widget
getConvexHull() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSModel
getCount() - Method in class rsb.methods.Equipment
Returns the number of items equipped excluding stack sizes.
getCount() - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the count of all items in your inventory ignoring stack sizes.
getCount(boolean) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the count of all items in your inventory.
getCount(boolean, int...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the count of all the items in the inventory with the any of the specified IDs.
getCount(boolean, String...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the count of all the items in the inventory with the any of the specified names.
getCount(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Equipment
Returns the number of items matching a given ID equipped excluding stack sizes.
getCount(int...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Returns the sum of the count of the given items in the bank.
getCount(int...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the count of all the items in the inventory with the any of the specified IDs.
getCount(String...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the count of all the items in the inventory with the any of the specified names.
getCountExcept(boolean, int...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the count of all the items in the inventory without any of the provided IDs.
getCountExcept(boolean, String...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the count of all the items in the inventory without any of the provided names.
getCountExcept(int...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the count of all the items in the inventory without any of the provided IDs.
getCountExcept(String...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the count of all the items in the inventory without any of the provided names.
getCrosshairState() - Method in class rsb.methods.Game
TODO: This is non-functional
getCurrent() - Method in interface rsb.internal.wrappers.NodeDeque
getCurrent() - Method in interface rsb.internal.wrappers.NodeSubQueue
getCurrentExp(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Skills
Gets the current experience for the given skill.
getCurrentLevel(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Skills
Gets the effective level of the given skill (accounting for temporary boosts and reductions).
getCurrentOperatingSystem() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration
getCurrentSpellBook() - Method in class rsb.methods.Magic
Gets the current spell book.
getCurrentTab() - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Get current tab open in the bank.
getCurrentTab() - Method in class rsb.methods.Game
Gets the currently open tab.
getCurrentTilePath() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSLocalPath
Returns the calculated RSTilePath that is currently providing data to this RSLocalPath.
getData1() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.RSMenuNode
getData2() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.RSMenuNode
getData3() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.RSMenuNode
getDef() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSObject
Gets the object definition of this object.
getDefaultMask(EventListener) - Static method in class rsb.event.EventMulticaster
Gets the default mask for an event listener.
getDefaultMask(EventObject) - Static method in class rsb.event.EventMulticaster
Gets the default mask for an event.
getDefinition() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSItem
Gets this item's definition if available.
getDefinition(int) - Method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector.ScriptTableModel
getDestination() - Method in class rsb.methods.Walking
Gets the destination tile (where the flag is on the minimap).
getDirection() - Method in class
0 = NW 1 = N 2 = NE 3 = W 4 = E 5 = SW 6 = S 7 = SE
getDirectionFacing() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter
getDynamicComponent(int) - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
getElapsed() - Method in class rsb.util.Timer
Returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start time.
getEnabledMask() - Method in class rsb.event.EventMulticaster
Gets the masks enabled for this multicaster.
getEncodedLength(byte[]) - Method in class rsb.util.Base64
Calculates the amount of space needed to encode the supplied array.
getEnd() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSLocalPath
Gets the end tile of this path.
getEnd() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSPath
Gets the end tile of this path.
getEnd() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSTilePath
Gets the end tile of this path.
getEnergy() - Method in class rsb.methods.Game
getEnergy() - Method in class rsb.methods.Walking
Returns the player's current run energy.
getEntries() - Method in class rsb.methods.Menu
getEntriesString() - Method in class rsb.methods.Menu
getEquipmentItem(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Gets a equipment item from the bank interface.
getEquipmentItemID(String) - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Gets the ID of a equipment item based on name.
getEquipmentItems() - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Gets the equipment items from the bank interface.
getEventManager() - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
getExpToNextLevel(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Skills
Gets the experience remaining until reaching the next level in a given skill.
getFieldOutputEx(Parameters...) - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
Returns a string of as much field values as the parameters passed for each object
getFieldOutputEx(Parameters[], Method...) - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
Returns a string of as much field values as the parameters passed for each object as well as allowing the passing of conditional methods to further sort the results
getFightMode() - Method in class rsb.methods.Combat
Gets the attack mode.
getFixedInfo() - Method in enum class rsb.methods.GameGUI.Tab
getFontID() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the FontID of this component
GetForegroundWindow() - Method in interface rsb.util.SetForegroundWindowUtil.User32
getFunctionKey() - Method in enum class rsb.methods.GameGUI.Tab
getGains() - Method in class rsb.util.SkillTracker
Calculates the true gains of the skills being tracked.
getGraphic() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter
getGraphics(RuneLite, MainBufferProvider) - Method in class rsb.internal.input.Canvas
getGroundActions() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSItem
getGroupId() - Method in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetInfo
Gets the group ID of the pair.
getGroupIndex() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the group index of this widget
getHackCache() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getHead() - Method in class rsb.internal.wrappers.Deque
getHead() - Method in class rsb.internal.wrappers.Queue
getHealth() - Method in class rsb.methods.Combat
Gets the current player's health as a percentage of full health.
getHeight() - Method in class rsb.methods.Game
Gets the canvas height.
getHeight() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSArea
getHeight() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter
getHeight() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the height of this component
getHorizontalScrollPosition() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
getHourlyGains() - Method in class rsb.util.SkillTracker
Calculates the experience gained per hour.
getHoverMenuNode() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.ChooseOption
getHoverText() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.ChooseOption
getHPPercent() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter
getHttpConnection(URL) - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration
getHttpUserAgent() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration
getId() - Method in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetInfo
Gets the ID of the group-child pairing.
getId() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the id of this component
getID() - Method in class
getID() - Method in class rsb.script.PassiveScript
getID() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSItem
Gets this item's id.
getID() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSNPC
getID() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSObject
Gets the ID of this object.
getImage() - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
getImage(String) - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration
getIndex() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the index of this component
getIndex() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.RSMenuNode
getIndex(String) - Method in class rsb.methods.Menu
Returns the index in the menu for a given action.
getIndex(String) - Static method in class rsb.methods.Skills
Gets the index of the skill with a given name.
getIndex(String, String...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Menu
Returns the index in the menu for a given action with a given target.
getIndexCount() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSModel
getInputManager() - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
getInstance() - Static method in class rsb.plugin.AccountManager
getInstance(RuneLite) - Static method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector
Gets the singleton for the script selector TODO: remove the bot instance being required
getInteracting() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSNPC
getInteracting() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSPlayer
getInterface() - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Gets the bank interface.
getInterface() - Method in class rsb.methods.Equipment
Gets the equipment interface.
getInterface() - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the inventory interface.
getInterface() - Method in class rsb.methods.Magic
Gets the open magic book interface.
getInterface() - Method in class rsb.methods.Store
Gets the store interface.
getInventoryActions() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSItem
Provides a list of inventory actions for the given item.
getItem() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSGroundItem
getItem() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSItem
Gets the item wrapped by this RSItem
getItem(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Gets the first item with the provided ID in the bank.
getItem(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Equipment
Gets the equipment item at a given index.
getItem(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Store
Gets the first item found with the given id.
getItem(int...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the first item in the inventory with any of the provided IDs.
getItem(String...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the first item in the inventory with any of the provided names.
getItemAt(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Gets the RSWidget of the given item at the specified index.
getItemAt(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets inventory item at specified index.
getItemAt(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Store
Gets the item at a given component index.
getItemId() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the item ID of this component
getItemId() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidgetItem
Gets the item id of this item
getItemID(String) - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Gets the item ID of a item side the bank.
getItemID(String) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the ID of an item in the inventory with a given name.
getItemIDs(String[]) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the IDs of items in the inventory with given names.
getItemIndex() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidgetItem
Gets the item's index in the parent widget
getItemLocation() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidgetItem
getItemManager() - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
getItemPoint(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Gets the point on the screen for a given item.
getItems() - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Gets all the items in the bank's inventory.
getItems() - Method in class rsb.methods.Equipment
Gets the equipment array.
getItems() - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets all the items in the inventory.
getItems() - Method in class rsb.methods.Store
Gets all the items in the store inventory.
getItems(int...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets all the items in the inventory matching any of the provided IDs.
getItems(String...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets all the items in the inventory matching any of the provided names.
getLastMenuNode() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.ChooseOption
getLastMessage() - Method in class rsb.methods.Game
Access the last message spoken by a player.
getLevel() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter
getLevel() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSNPC
getLevelAt(int) - Static method in class rsb.methods.Skills
Gets the level at the given experience.
getLifePoints() - Method in class rsb.methods.Combat
Gets the current player's life points.
getListeners() - Method in class rsb.event.EventMulticaster
Returns an unmodifiable list of the backing list of listeners.
getListOfFieldOutputsEx(Parameters[], Method...) - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
Gets the output list based on this objects variables and parameters allowing one to add extra information to the key.
getListOfMethodOutputs() - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
Returns a hashmap of names and objects of any method with no parameters and respective to the parameters supplied
getListOfMethodOutputs(Object, Class<?>, Integer[], String[], String[], String[], Integer[]) - Static method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
Returns a hashmap of names and objects of any method with no parameters and respective to the parameters supplied
getListOfMethodOutputsEx(Object, Integer[], String[], String[], String[], Integer[], Parameters...) - Static method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
Returns a hashmap of given parameters for the keys and objects of any method for the values and also respective to the parameters supplied
getListOfMethodOutputsEx(Parameters[], Method...) - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
Gets the output list based on this objects variables and parameters allowing one to add extra information to the key.
getLoader() - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
getLocalLocation() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.WalkerTile
getLocalLocation(MethodContext) - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSTile
getLocation() - Method in class rsb.methods.Menu
getLocation() - Method in class rsb.methods.Mouse
The location of the bot's mouse; or Point(-1, -1) if off screen.
getLocation() - Method in interface rsb.wrappers.common.Positionable
Gets the tile position of the entity as provided by the client
getLocation() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter
getLocation() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSGroundItem
getLocation() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSObject
Gets the RSTile on which this object is centered.
getLocation() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the absolute position of the child
getLocation() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.WalkerTile
getLogsDirectory() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getMapBase() - Method in class rsb.methods.Game
Gets the (x, y) coordinate pair of the south-western tile at the base of the loaded map area.
getMask() - Method in class rsb.event.EventManager.KillEvent
getMask() - Method in class
getMask() - Method in class
getMask() - Method in class
getMask() - Method in class
getMask() - Method in class
getMaxExp(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Skills
Gets the maximum experience of a given skill.
getMaxLevel(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Skills
Gets the maximum level of a given skill.
getMenuBarPrefs() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getMenuCache() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getMenuNodes() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.ChooseOption
getMessage() - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter
getMessage() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.NPCChat
getMethodContext() - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
getMethodOuputsEx(Parameters...) - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
Returns a string of as much method outputs as the parameters passed for each object
getMethodOuputsEx(Parameters[], Method...) - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
Returns a string of as much method outputs as the parameters passed for each object as well as allowing the passing of conditional methods to further sort the results
getMinimapInterface() - Method in class rsb.methods.GameGUI
getMinimapLocation() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter
Gets the minimap location, of the character.
getModel() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter
getModel() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSGroundItem
Gets the top model on the tile of this ground item.
getModel() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSModel
getModel() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSObject
Gets the Model of this object.
getModelId() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the model ID of this component
getModifiersToInclude() - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
getModScriptCache() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getMousePosition() - Method in class rsb.internal.input.Canvas
getMyPlayer() - Method in class rsb.methods.Methods
Returns the current client's local player.
getMyPlayer() - Method in class rsb.methods.Players
Returns an RSPlayer object representing the current player.
getName() - Method in class rsb.methods.Account
The account name.
getName() - Method in enum class rsb.methods.GameGUI.Tab
getName() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter
getName() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSItem
Gets the name of this item using the wrapped component's name if available, otherwise the definition if available.
getName() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSNPC
getName() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSObject
Returns the name of the object.
getName() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSPlayer
getName() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the name of this component
getName() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.NPCChat
getName(int) - Method in class rsb.util.SkillTracker
Retrieves the name of the indicated skill.
getName(RSObject) - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSObject
Returns the name of the object.
getNamesOfMethods() - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
Gets the names of the methods into a readable string
getNearest() - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
getNearest(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Players
Returns the RSPlayer that is nearest, out of all of the Players with the provided combat level.
getNearest(int...) - Method in class rsb.methods.GroundItems
Returns the nearest item on the ground with an ID that matches any of the IDs provided.
getNearest(int...) - Method in class rsb.methods.NPCs
Returns the RSNPC that is nearest out of all of the RSPNCs with the provided ID(s).
getNearest(int...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Objects
Returns the RSObject that is nearest, out of all of the RSObjects with the provided ID(s).
getNearest(int, Predicate<RSObject>) - Method in class rsb.methods.Objects
Returns the RSObject that is nearest out of all objects that are accepted by the provided Filter.
getNearest(String) - Method in class rsb.methods.Players
Returns the RSPlayer that is nearest, out of all of the Players with the provided name.
getNearest(String...) - Method in class rsb.methods.NPCs
Returns the RSNPC that is nearest out of all of the RSPNCs with the provided name(s).
getNearest(String...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Objects
Returns the RSObject that is nearest, out of all of the RSObjects with the provided name(s).
getNearest(Predicate<RSNPC>) - Method in class rsb.methods.NPCs
Returns the RSNPC that is nearest out of all of loaded RSPNCs accepted by the provided Filter.
getNearest(Predicate<RSObject>) - Method in class rsb.methods.Objects
Returns the RSObject that is nearest out of all objects that are accepted by the provided Filter.
getNearest(Filter<RSGroundItem>) - Method in class rsb.methods.GroundItems
Returns the nearest ground item that is accepted by the provided Filter.
getNearest(Filter<RSPlayer>) - Method in class rsb.methods.Players
Returns the RSPlayer that is nearest, out of all of the Players accepted by the provided filter.
getNearestTile(RSTile) - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSArea
getNext() - Method in class rsb.internal.wrappers.Deque
getNext() - Method in class rsb.internal.wrappers.Queue
getNext() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSLocalPath
Gets the next immediately available vertex in this path.
getNext() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSPath
Gets the next immediately available vertex in this path.
getNext() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSTilePath
Gets the next immediately available vertex in this path.
getNextSub() - Method in interface rsb.internal.wrappers.NodeSub
getNPCs() - Method in class rsb.methods.NPCs
getObj() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSObject
Gets the TileObject associated with this RSObject
getObject() - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
getObjectAngle(RSObject) - Method in class rsb.methods.Camera
Returns the camera angle at which the camera would be facing a certain object.
getObjectsOfMethods() - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
Gets the outputs of the methods into a readable string
getObType(Field) - Method in class rsb.methods.Walking
Checks the obfuscated field to determine if it is collisiondata or not.
getOptionCount() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.ChooseOption
getOptions() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.ChooseOption
getOptions() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.NPCChat
getOrientation() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter
getOrientation() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacterModel
getOrientation() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSModel
getOsrsBotDirectory() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
Retrieves the home directory using the operating system specific method and concatenates it with our API specific path.
getPackedId() - Method in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetInfo
Gets the packed widget ID.
getPanel() - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
getPanelSize() - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
Returns the size of the panel that clients should be drawn into.
getParameterConstraints() - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
getParent() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the parent widget
getParentId() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the parent id of this component.
getPassiveScriptHandler() - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
getPassword() - Method in class rsb.methods.Account
The account password.
getPassword() - Method in class rsb.util.AccountStore.Account
getPassword(String) - Static method in class rsb.plugin.AccountManager
Access the account password of the given string
getPath(RSTile) - Method in class rsb.methods.Walking
Generates a path from the player's current location to a destination tile.
getPathCache() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getPathX() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter
getPathY() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter
getPercentToNextLevel(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Skills
Gets the percentage to the next level in a given skill.
getPin() - Method in class rsb.methods.Account
The account pin.
getPin(String) - Static method in class rsb.plugin.AccountManager
Access the account pin of the given string
getPitch() - Method in class rsb.methods.Camera
Returns the current percentage of the maximum pitch of the camera in an open area.
getPlane() - Method in class rsb.methods.Game
Gets the plane we are currently on.
getPlane() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSArea
getPlane() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.WalkerTile
getPoint() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSModel
Returns a random screen point.
getPointOnScreen() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSModel
Gets a point on a model that is on screen.
getPoints() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSModel
Returns all the screen points.
getPosition() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSNPC
getPosition() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSPlayer
getPosition() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.ChooseOption
getPrayerId() - Method in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.Prayer
getPrayerLeft() - Method in class rsb.methods.Prayer
Gets the remaining prayer points.
getPrayerPercentLeft() - Method in class rsb.methods.Prayer
Gets the percentage of prayer points left based on the players current prayer level.
getPrayerPoints() - Method in class rsb.methods.Combat
Gets the current player's prayer points.
getPressLocation() - Method in class rsb.methods.Mouse
getPressTime() - Method in class rsb.internal.input.Mouse
getPressTime() - Method in class rsb.methods.Mouse
getPressX() - Method in class rsb.internal.input.Mouse
getPressY() - Method in class rsb.internal.input.Mouse
getPrevSub() - Method in interface rsb.internal.wrappers.NodeSub
getQuickPrayerId() - Method in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.Prayer
getRandomPolyPoint(Polygon) - Method in class rsb.methods.Calculations
getRandoms() - Method in class rsb.internal.ScriptHandler
getRandomTile() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSArea
getRandomX(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Mouse
getRandomY(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Mouse
getRealHeight() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
getRealLevel(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Skills
Gets the player's current level in a skill based on their experience in that skill.
getRealWidth() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
getRelativeX() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the relative x position of the child, calculated from the beginning of the interface
getRelativeY() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the relative y position of the child, calculated from the beginning of the interface
getRemaining() - Method in class rsb.util.Timer
Returns the number of milliseconds remaining until the timer is up.
getRequiredLevel() - Method in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.Prayer
getResizeInfo() - Method in enum class rsb.methods.GameGUI.Tab
getResourceURL(String) - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration
getReward() - Method in class rsb.methods.Account
The account reward.
getReward(String) - Static method in class rsb.plugin.AccountManager
Access the account desired reward of the given string
getRowCount() - Method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector.ScriptTableModel
getRunningScripts() - Method in class rsb.internal.PassiveScriptHandler
getRunningScripts() - Method in class rsb.internal.ScriptHandler
getRuntime() - Method in class rsb.util.SkillTracker
Calculates the current runtime.
getSceneFlags() - Method in class rsb.methods.Game
Gets the flags relating to the tiles in the scene
getScreenLocation() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter
getScreenshotsDirectory() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getScreenSize() - Method in class rsb.internal.naturalmouse.RSBSystemCalls
getScriptHandler() - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
getScriptPanel() - Static method in class rsb.plugin.Botplugin
getScriptsDirectory() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getScriptsExtractedCache() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getScriptsNetworkDirectory() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getScriptsPrecompiledDirectory() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getScriptsSourcesDirectory() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getScrollableContentHeight() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
getScrollableContentWidth() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
getSearch() - Method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector
Generates and returns the search button
getSecTNL() - Method in class rsb.util.SkillTracker
Calculates number of seconds until level gain
getSeed() - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Returns the seed of the pseudo-random number generator.
getSelected(Image, RSWidgetItem[]) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Checks the image for the item position and then checks that set of bounds for any pure white pixels which would indicate that the item is selected (No items use 255, 255, 255) If it finds any the isSelected value is updated to true
getSelectedActionName() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the selected action name of this component
getSelectedItem() - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the selected inventory item.
getSelectedItemIndex() - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the selected item index.
getSelectedItemName() - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Gets the selected item name.
getSelectedPrayers() - Method in class rsb.methods.Prayer
Returns an array of RSWidgets representing the prayers that are selected.
getSender() - Method in class
getSetting(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Settings
Gets the setting at a given index.
getSettingArray() - Method in class rsb.methods.Settings
Gets the settings array.
getSettingsDirectory() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getSkill(int) - Static method in class rsb.methods.Skills
getSpecialBarEnergy() - Method in class rsb.methods.Combat
Gets the special bar energy amount.
getSpeed() - Method in class rsb.methods.Mouse
Gets the mouse speed.
getSpell(String) - Method in class rsb.methods.Magic
getSpriteId() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the sprite ID of this component
getStackSize() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSItem
Gets this item's stack size.
getStackSize() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the stack size of this component
getStackSize() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidgetItem
Gets the stack size of the item
getStart() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSLocalPath
Gets the start tile of this path.
getStart() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSPath
Gets the start tile of this path.
getStart() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSTilePath
Gets the start tile of this path.
getStringsToIgnoreInName() - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
getTab(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Gets a tab
getTab(GameGUI.Tab) - Method in class rsb.methods.GameGUI
getTable(int, int, int, int) - Method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector
Generates and returns the script table
getTail() - Method in class rsb.internal.wrappers.Deque
getTail() - Method in interface rsb.internal.wrappers.NodeDeque
getTail() - Method in interface rsb.internal.wrappers.NodeSubQueue
getTalkInterface() - Method in class rsb.methods.Game
Returns the valid chat component.
getTarget() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.RSMenuNode
getTargets() - Method in class rsb.methods.Menu
getTeam() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSPlayer
getText() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the text of this component
getTile() - Method in class rsb.internal.wrappers.TileFlags
getTile(MethodContext) - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSTile
Returns this tile object based on a specified method context (bot instance)
getTileAngle(RSTile) - Method in class rsb.methods.Camera
Returns the camera angle at which the camera would be facing a certain tile.
getTileArray() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSArea
getTileBoundsPoly(Positionable, int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Calculations
getTileOnScreen(RSTile) - Method in class rsb.methods.Calculations
Will return the closest tile that is on screen to the given tile.
getTiles() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSArea
getTileUnderMouse() - Method in class rsb.methods.Tiles
Returns the RSTile under the mouse.
getTileUnderPoint(Point) - Method in class rsb.methods.Tiles
Gets the tile under a point.
getTimeout() - Method in class rsb.script.Random
Override to provide a time limit in seconds for this anti-random to complete.
getTopAt(RSTile) - Method in class rsb.methods.Objects
Returns the top RSObject on the specified tile.
getTopAt(RSTile, int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Objects
Returns the top RSObject on the specified tile matching types specified by the flags in the provided mask.
getTriangles() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSModel
Returns an array of triangles containing the screen points of this model.
getType() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSObject
Returns this object's type.
getType() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the type of this component
getType() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.RSMenuNode
getType() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.WalkerTile
getTypesToIgnore() - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
getTypesToInclude() - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
getUIDsFile() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getUnixHome() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getUsername() - Method in class rsb.util.AccountStore.Account
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector.ScriptTableModel
getValueIndexArray() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the value index array of this component
getVenomDamage() - Method in class rsb.methods.Combat
Returns the damage we're taking from venom
getVersion() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration
getVersionCache() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getVersionFormatted() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration
getVersionFormatted(int) - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration
getVertexCount() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSModel
getVerticalScrollPosition() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
getWebCache() - Static method in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
getWidgetItem(int) - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
getWidgetItems() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
getWidth() - Method in class rsb.methods.Game
Gets the canvas height.
getWidth() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSArea
getWidth() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSWidget
Gets the width of this component
getWildernessLevel() - Method in class rsb.methods.Combat
Gets the current Wilderness Level.
getWindowLocation() - Static method in class rsb.util.WindowUtil
Gets the window's point on screen.
GetWindowTextA(Pointer, byte[], int) - Method in interface rsb.util.SetForegroundWindowUtil.User32
getWorld() - Method in class rsb.methods.WorldHopper
getWorldLocation() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSTile
Gets the WorldPoint (with world x y values) for this RSTile
getX() - Method in class rsb.internal.input.Mouse
getX() - Method in class rsb.internal.InputManager
getX() - Method in class rsb.methods.Camera
Returns the current x position of the camera.
getX() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSArea
getX() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.WalkerTile
getY() - Method in class rsb.internal.input.Mouse
getY() - Method in class rsb.internal.InputManager
getY() - Method in class rsb.methods.Camera
Returns the current y position of the camera.
getY() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSArea
getY() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.WalkerTile
getZ() - Method in class rsb.methods.Camera
Returns the current z position of the camera.
GlobalConfiguration - Class in rsb.internal.globval
GlobalConfiguration() - Constructor for class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration
GlobalConfiguration.OperatingSystem - Enum Class in rsb.internal.globval
GlobalConfiguration.Paths - Class in rsb.internal.globval
GlobalConfiguration.Paths.Resources - Class in rsb.internal.globval
GlobalConfiguration.Paths.URLs - Class in rsb.internal.globval
GlobalSettingValues - Class in rsb.internal.globval
GlobalSettingValues() - Constructor for class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
GlobalWidgetId - Class in rsb.internal.globval
GlobalWidgetId() - Constructor for class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId
GlobalWidgetId.EquipmentSlotId - Class in rsb.internal.globval
GlobalWidgetId.Prayer - Enum Class in rsb.internal.globval
GlobalWidgetId.PrayerBook - Enum Class in rsb.internal.globval
Provides Prayer Book(s) Information.
GlobalWidgetId.Skill - Enum Class in rsb.internal.globval
GlobalWidgetId.SpellId - Class in rsb.internal.globval
GlobalWidgetInfo - Enum Class in rsb.internal.globval
The list of widget info in the form of (parent, child) The [Group] at the start and end denotes a segment Though it is not indicative of the underlying parent interface Rather just for grouping and potentially future updating purposes
GRAND_EXCHANGE_BUY_BUTTON - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId
GRAND_EXCHANGE_BUY_ICON - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId
GRAND_EXCHANGE_COLLECT_AREA_ONE - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetInfo
GRAND_EXCHANGE_COLLECT_AREA_TWO - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetInfo
GRAND_EXCHANGE_COLLECT_BOX_ONE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId
GRAND_EXCHANGE_COLLECT_BOX_TWO - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId
GRAND_EXCHANGE_COLLECTION_AREA - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetInfo
GRAND_EXCHANGE_DESCRIPTION - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetInfo
GRAND_EXCHANGE_DESCRIPTION_COLLECT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId
GRAND_EXCHANGE_INTERFACE_LAYOUT - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetInfo
GRAND_EXCHANGE_INVENTORY_ITEMS_CONTAINER - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetInfo
GRAND_EXCHANGE_ITEM_ID - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId
GRAND_EXCHANGE_ITEM_NAME - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId
GRAND_EXCHANGE_ITEM_SPRITE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId
GRAND_EXCHANGE_OFFER_BOXES - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId
GRAND_EXCHANGE_OFFER_WINDOW - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetInfo
GRAND_EXCHANGE_SEARCH_INPUT - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetInfo
GRAND_EXCHANGE_SELL_BUTTON - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId
GRAND_EXCHANGE_SELL_ICON - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId
GRAND_EXCHANGE_SLOT_TITLE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId
grandExchange - Variable in class rsb.methods.MethodContext
The singleton of GrandExchange
GrandExchange - Class in rsb.methods
Obtains information on tradeable items from the Grand Exchange website and Grand Exchange ingame interaction.
graphics - Variable in class
graphics - Variable in class
GRAPHICS_DELAY - Static variable in class rsb.internal.input.Canvas
GROUND - Enum constant in enum class rsb.wrappers.RSObject.Type
groundItems - Variable in class rsb.methods.MethodContext
The singleton of GroundItems
GroundItems - Class in rsb.methods
Provides access to ground items.
groundToScreen(int, int, int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Calculations
Returns the screen location of a given point on the ground.
growAtEnd(int) - Method in class rsb.util.SkillTracker
Expands the current array (skillsList) by the specified growth.
gui - Variable in class rsb.methods.MethodContext
The singleton of DynamicConstants
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