
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y _ 
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S - Enum constant in enum class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter.DIRECTION
save() - Method in class rsb.util.AccountStore
saveScreenshot(boolean) - Method in class rsb.methods.Environment
Takes and saves a screenshot.
saveScreenshot(RuneLite, boolean) - Static method in class rsb.util.ScreenshotUtil
SCENE - Enum constant in enum class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.WalkerTile.TYPES
SCREENSHOT_DIR - Static variable in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
ScreenshotUtil - Class in rsb.util
ScreenshotUtil() - Constructor for class rsb.util.ScreenshotUtil
Script - Class in rsb.script
Script - Enum constant in enum class rsb.service.Monitoring.Event
Script() - Constructor for class rsb.script.Script
SCRIPT_DRM - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration
ScriptDefinition - Class in rsb.service
ScriptDefinition() - Constructor for class rsb.service.ScriptDefinition
ScriptHandler - Class in rsb.internal
ScriptHandler(RuneLite) - Constructor for class rsb.internal.ScriptHandler
ScriptListener - Interface in rsb.internal.listener
ScriptManifest - Annotation Interface in rsb.script
ScriptPanel - Class in rsb.plugin
ScriptPanel(RuneLite) - Constructor for class rsb.plugin.ScriptPanel
scriptPaused(ScriptHandler, Script) - Method in interface rsb.internal.listener.ScriptListener
scriptPaused(ScriptHandler, Script) - Method in class rsb.plugin.AccountPanel
Handles any task necessary on a script being paused
scriptPaused(ScriptHandler, Script) - Method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector
scriptResumed(ScriptHandler, Script) - Method in interface rsb.internal.listener.ScriptListener
scriptResumed(ScriptHandler, Script) - Method in class rsb.plugin.AccountPanel
Handles any task necessary on a script being resumed
scriptResumed(ScriptHandler, Script) - Method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector
SCRIPTS_NAME_OUT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
SCRIPTS_NAME_SRC - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths
ScriptSelector - Class in rsb.plugin
ScriptSelector(Frame, RuneLite) - Constructor for class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector
Creates a script selector for the given bot instance
ScriptSelector(RuneLite) - Constructor for class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector
Creates a script selector for the given bot instance
ScriptSelector.ScriptTableModel - Class in rsb.plugin
ScriptSource - Interface in rsb.service
scriptStarted(PassiveScriptHandler, PassiveScript) - Method in interface rsb.internal.listener.PassiveScriptListener
scriptStarted(ScriptHandler, Script) - Method in interface rsb.internal.listener.ScriptListener
scriptStarted(ScriptHandler, Script) - Method in class rsb.plugin.AccountPanel
Handles any task necessary if a script has been started
scriptStarted(ScriptHandler, Script) - Method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector
scriptStopped(PassiveScriptHandler, PassiveScript) - Method in interface rsb.internal.listener.PassiveScriptListener
scriptStopped(ScriptHandler, Script) - Method in interface rsb.internal.listener.ScriptListener
scriptStopped(ScriptHandler, Script) - Method in class rsb.plugin.AccountPanel
Handles any task necessary if a script has been stopped
scriptStopped(ScriptHandler, Script) - Method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector
ScriptTableModel(List<ScriptDefinition>) - Constructor for class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector.ScriptTableModel
scrollTo(RSWidget, int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Interfaces
Scrolls to the component
scrollTo(RSWidget, RSWidget) - Method in class rsb.methods.Interfaces
Scrolls to the component
SDN_CONTROL - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths.URLs
SE - Enum constant in enum class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter.DIRECTION
search(String) - Method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector.ScriptTableModel
searchItem(String) - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Searches for an item in the bank.
SecToHMS(int) - Static method in class rsb.util.SkillTracker
Converts a number of seconds into a string of form hh:mm:ss
select(String...) - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.ChooseOption
selectItem(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Selects the first item in the inventory with the provided ID.
selectItem(String) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Selects the first item in the inventory with the provided name.
selectItem(RSItem) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Selects the specified item in the inventory
selectOption(String, boolean) - Method in class rsb.wrappers.subwrap.NPCChat
sell(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class rsb.methods.GrandExchange
Sells an item in the grand exchange
sell(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class rsb.methods.GrandExchange
Sells an item in the grand exchange
sellItem(int, int) - Method in class rsb.methods.GrandExchange
Sells an item in the grand exchange
sellItem(int, int, boolean) - Method in class rsb.methods.GrandExchange
Sells an item in the grand exchange
sellItem(int, int, int) - Method in class rsb.methods.GrandExchange
Sells an item in the grand exchange
sellItem(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class rsb.methods.GrandExchange
Sells an item in the grand exchange
sellItem(String, int) - Method in class rsb.methods.GrandExchange
Sells an item in the grand exchange
sellItem(String, int, boolean) - Method in class rsb.methods.GrandExchange
Sells an item in the grand exchange
sellItem(String, int, int) - Method in class rsb.methods.GrandExchange
Sells an item in the grand exchange
sellItem(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class rsb.methods.GrandExchange
Sells an item in the grand exchange
sendEvent(KeyEvent) - Method in class rsb.internal.input.VirtualKeyboard
sendEvent(MouseEvent) - Method in class rsb.internal.input.VirtualMouse
sendKey(char) - Method in class rsb.internal.InputManager
sendKey(char) - Method in class rsb.methods.Keyboard
Presses and releases a given key.
sendKeys(String, boolean) - Method in class rsb.internal.InputManager
sendKeys(String, boolean, int) - Method in class rsb.internal.InputManager
sendKeys(String, boolean, int, int) - Method in class rsb.internal.InputManager
sendKeysInstant(String, boolean) - Method in class rsb.internal.InputManager
sendText(String, boolean) - Method in class rsb.methods.Keyboard
Types a given string.
sendTextInstant(String, boolean) - Method in class rsb.methods.Keyboard
Types a given string instantly.
SERVER_MESSAGE_EVENT - Static variable in class rsb.event.EventMulticaster
ServiceException - Exception in rsb.service
ServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception rsb.service.ServiceException
setAccount(String) - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
Sets an account for the RuneLite (Bot) instance
setAccountPanel(AccountPanel) - Method in class rsb.plugin.Botplugin
setAngle(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Camera
Rotates the camera to a specific angle in the closest direction.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class rsb.util.AccountStore.Account
setAutoRetaliate(boolean) - Method in class rsb.methods.Combat
Turns auto-retaliate on or off in the combat tab.
setChatOption(int, Game.ChatMode) - Method in class rsb.methods.Game
Set the specified chat mode
setClientThreadProvider() - Method in class rsb.wrappers.RSObject
Gets the client thread provider from the clientUI to allow passing runnables to it
setCompass(char) - Method in class rsb.methods.Camera
Rotates the camera to the specified cardinal direction.
setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler() - Static method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
Creates a thread to handle uncaught exceptions created by RuneLite
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class rsb.script.PassiveScript
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class rsb.script.Random
setEndIn(long) - Method in class rsb.util.Timer
Sets the end time of this timer to a given number of milliseconds from the time it is called.
setFightMode(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Combat
Sets the attack mode.
setFocused(boolean) - Method in class rsb.internal.input.Canvas
SetForegroundWindow(Pointer) - Method in interface rsb.util.SetForegroundWindowUtil.User32
setForegroundWindowByName(String, boolean) - Static method in class rsb.util.SetForegroundWindowUtil
SetForegroundWindowUtil - Class in rsb.util
SetForegroundWindowUtil() - Constructor for class rsb.util.SetForegroundWindowUtil
SetForegroundWindowUtil.User32 - Interface in rsb.util
SetForegroundWindowUtil.User32.WNDENUMPROC - Interface in rsb.util
setFrame(JFrame) - Static method in class rsb.util.WindowUtil
Sets the frame that WindowUtil will use.
setID(int) - Method in class rsb.script.PassiveScript
setID(int) - Method in class rsb.script.Script
For internal use only.
setInjector() - Static method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
setMethodContext() - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
Assigns this instance of the RuneLite (Bot) a method context for calling bot api methods as well as assigns bank constants here.
setModifiersToInclude(Integer[]) - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
setMousePosition(int, int) - Method in class rsb.internal.naturalmouse.RSBSystemCalls
Moves the mouse to specified pixel using the provided Robot.
setNorth() - Method in class rsb.methods.Camera
Uses the compass component to set the camera to face north.
setObject(Object) - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
setPanel(Component) - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
setParameterConstraints(Integer[]) - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
setPassword(String) - Method in class rsb.util.AccountStore.Account
setPassword(String) - Method in class rsb.util.AccountStore
setPaused(boolean) - Method in class rsb.script.Script
Pauses/resumes this script.
setPitch(boolean) - Method in class rsb.methods.Camera
Sets the altitude to max or minimum.
setPitch(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Camera
Set the camera to a certain percentage of the maximum pitch.
setPrice(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.GrandExchange
Decides how many times to press the respective button to set the price per item (-5% or +5%)
setQuantity(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.GrandExchange
Sets the quantity of items in the offer interface randomizing how it goes about doing so too
setQuickPrayers(boolean, GlobalWidgetId.Prayer...) - Method in class rsb.methods.Prayer
Sets up the quick prayers for the user
setRearrangeModeToInsert() - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Sets the bank rearrange mode to insert.
setRearrangeModeToSwap() - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Sets the bank rearrange mode to swap.
setRotationMethod(Camera.ROTATION_METHOD) - Method in class rsb.methods.Camera
setRun(boolean) - Method in class rsb.methods.Walking
Turns run on or off using the game GUI controls.
setScriptPanel(ScriptPanel) - Static method in class rsb.plugin.Botplugin
setSeed(long) - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Sets the seed of the pseudo-random number generator.
setSpeed(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Mouse
Changes the mouse speed
setStringsToIgnoreInName(String[]) - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
SETTING_ADJUST_AREA_SOUND_EFFECT_VOLUME - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_ADJUST_MUSIC_VOLUME - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_ADJUST_SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_ADJUST_SOUND_EFFECT_VOLUME - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_AUTO_RETALIATE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_BANK_TOGGLE_REARRANGE_MODE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_BANK_TOGGLE_WITHDRAW_MODE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_CHAT_EFFECTS - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_COMBAT_STYLE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_MOUSE_BUTTONS - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_POISON - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_PRAYER_THICK_SKIN - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_SPECIAL_ATTACK_ENABLED - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_SPLIT_PRIVATE_CHAT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_SWAP_QUEST_DIARY - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_TOGGLE_ACCEPT_AID - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_TOGGLE_LOOP_MUSIC - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_TOGGLE_RUN - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SETTING_TYPE_SHOP - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
settings - Variable in class rsb.methods.MethodContext
The singleton of Settings
Settings - Class in rsb.methods
Provides access to game settings.
setTypesToIgnore(String[]) - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
setTypesToInclude(String[]) - Method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
setUserInput(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Environment
Controls the available means of user input when user input is disabled.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class rsb.internal.input.Canvas
setWithdrawModeToItem() - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Sets the bank withdraw mode to item.
setWithdrawModeToNote() - Method in class rsb.methods.Bank
Sets the bank withdraw mode to note.
SHARP_EYE - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.Prayer
showConfirmDialog(String) - Static method in class rsb.util.WindowUtil
Shows a confirm dialog with "Yes", "No", and "Cancel" buttons.
showConfirmDialog(String, int) - Static method in class rsb.util.WindowUtil
Shows a confirm dialog with the specified buttons.
showDialog(String) - Static method in class rsb.util.WindowUtil
Shows a dialog window that appears centered in front of the Bot window that can be used to alert the user.
showGUI() - Method in class rsb.plugin.AccountManager
Creates and displays the main GUI This GUI has the list and the main * buttons
showInputDialog(String) - Static method in class rsb.util.WindowUtil
Shows an input dialog with the given message.
shuffle(char[]) - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified array in uniformly random order.
shuffle(double[]) - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified array in uniformly random order.
shuffle(double[], int, int) - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified subarray in uniformly random order.
shuffle(int[]) - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified array in uniformly random order.
shuffle(int[], int, int) - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified subarray in uniformly random order.
shuffle(Object[]) - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified array in uniformly random order.
shuffle(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Rearranges the elements of the specified subarray in uniformly random order.
shutdown() - Method in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
Stops and shuts down the current bot instance
SIN_TABLE - Static variable in class rsb.methods.Calculations
SITE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths.URLs
size() - Method in class rsb.internal.wrappers.Deque
size() - Method in class rsb.internal.wrappers.Queue
SKILL - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetInfo
[SKILL] Widget Info
skills - Variable in class rsb.methods.MethodContext
The singleton of skills
skills - Variable in class rsb.util.SkillTracker
Skills - Class in rsb.methods
This class is for all the skill calculations.
SkillTracker - Class in rsb.util
SkillTracker(RuneLite, int...) - Constructor for class rsb.util.SkillTracker
sleep(int) - Method in class rsb.methods.MethodProvider
sleep(int) - Static method in class rsb.methods.Methods
Pauses execution for a given number of milliseconds.
sleep(int, int) - Static method in class rsb.methods.Methods
Pauses execution for a random amount of time between two values.
sleep(long) - Method in class rsb.internal.naturalmouse.RSBSystemCalls
sleepNoException(long) - Method in class rsb.internal.InputManager
SLOW_GRAPHICS_DELAY - Static variable in class rsb.internal.input.Canvas
SMITE - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.Prayer
source - Variable in class rsb.service.ScriptDefinition
SPACE_ACTIONS - Enum constant in enum class rsb.wrappers.RSPath.TraversalOption
SPELL_ANNAKARL_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_APE_ATOLL_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_APE_ATOLL_TELEPORT_A - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_ARCEUUS_HOME_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_ARDOUGNE_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_BAKE_PIE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_BARBARIAN_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_BARROWS_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_BATTLEFRONT_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_BIND - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_BLOOD_BARRAGE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_BLOOD_BLITZ - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_BLOOD_BURST - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_BLOOD_RUSH - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_BONES_TO_BANANAS - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_BONES_TO_PEACHES - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_BOOST_POTION_SHARE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CAMELOT_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CARRALLANGAR_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CATHERBY_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CEMETERY_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CHARGE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CHARGE_AIR_ORB - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CHARGE_EARTH_ORB - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CHARGE_FIRE_ORB - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CHARGE_WATER_ORB - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CLAWS_OF_GUTHIX - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CONFUSE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CRUMBLE_UNDEAD - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CURE_GROUP - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CURE_ME - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CURE_OTHER - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CURE_PLANT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_CURSE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_DAREEYAK_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_DRAYNOR_MANOR_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_DREAM - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_EARTH_BLAST - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_EARTH_BOLT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_EARTH_STRIKE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_EARTH_SURGE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_EARTH_WAVE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_EDGEVILLE_HOME_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_ENCHANT_CROSSBOW_BOLT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_ENERGY_TRANSFER - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_ENFEEBLE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_ENTANGLE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_FALADOR_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_FENKENSTRAINS_CASTLE_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_FERTILE_SOIL - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_FIRE_BLAST - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_FIRE_BOLT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_FIRE_STRIKE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_FIRE_SURGE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_FIRE_WAVE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_FISHING_GUILD_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_FLAMES_OF_ZAMORAK - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_GEOMANCY - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_GHORROCK_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_HARMONY_ISLAND_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_HEAL_GROUP - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_HEAL_OTHER - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_HIGH_LEVEL_ALCHEMY - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_HUMIDIFY - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_HUNTER_KIT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_IBAN_BLAST - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_ICE_BARRAGE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_ICE_BLITZ - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_ICE_BURST - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_ICE_PLATEAU_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_ICE_RUSH - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_KHARYRLL_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_KHAZARD_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_KOUREND_CASTLE_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_LASSAR_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_LOW_LEVEL_ALCHEMY - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_LUMBRIDGE_GRAVEYARD_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_LUMBRIDGE_HOME_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_LUMBRIDGE_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_LUNAR_HOME_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_LVL_1_ENCHANT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_LVL_2_ENCHANT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_LVL_3_ENCHANT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_LVL_4_ENCHANT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_LVL_5_ENCHANT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_LVL_6_ENCHANT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_LVL_7_ENCHANT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_MAGIC_DART - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_MAGIC_IMBUE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_MIND_ALTAR_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_MONSTER_EXAMINE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_MOONCLAN_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_NPC_CONTACT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_OURANIA_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_PADDEWWA_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_PLANK_MAKE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_ABYSSAL_CREATURE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_AVIANSIE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_BEAR - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_BLOODVELD - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_CHAOS_DRUID - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_DAGANNOTH - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_DEMON - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_DOG - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_DRAGON - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_ELF - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_GIANT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_GOBLIN - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_HORROR - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_IMP - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_KALPHITE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_MINOTAUR - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_MONKEY - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_OGRE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_SCORPION - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_TROLL - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_TZHAAR - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_REANIMATE_UNICORN - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_RECHARGE_DRAGONSTONE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_RESPAWN_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_RESURRECT_CROPS - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_SALVE_GRAVEYARD_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_SARADOMIN_STRIKE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_SENNTISTEN_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_SHADOW_BARRAGE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_SHADOW_BLITZ - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_SHADOW_BURST - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_SHADOW_RUSH - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_SMOKE_BARRAGE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_SMOKE_BLITZ - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_SMOKE_BURST - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_SMOKE_RUSH - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_SNARE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_SPELLBOOK_SWAP - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_SPIN_FLAX - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_STAT_RESTORE_POT_SHARE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_STAT_SPY - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_STRING_JEWELLERY - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_STUN - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_SUPERGLASS_MAKE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_SUPERHEAT_ITEM - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_TAN_LEATHER - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_TELE_BLOCK - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_TELE_GROUP_BARBARIAN - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_TELE_GROUP_CATHERBY - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_TELE_GROUP_FISHING_GUILD - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_TELE_GROUP_ICE_PLATEAU - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_TELE_GROUP_KHAZARD - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_TELE_GROUP_MOONCLAN - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_TELE_GROUP_WATERBIRTH - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_TELEKINETIC_GRAB - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_TELEOTHER_CAMELOT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_TELEOTHER_FALADOR - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_TELEOTHER_LUMBRIDGE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_TELEPORT_TO_BOUNTY_TARGET - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_TELEPORT_TO_HOUSE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_TROLLHEIM_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_VARROCK_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_VENGEANCE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_VENGEANCE_OTHER - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_VULNERABILITY - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_WATCHTOWER_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_WATER_BLAST - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_WATER_BOLT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_WATER_STRIKE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_WATER_SURGE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_WATER_WAVE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_WATERBIRTH_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_WEAKEN - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_WEST_ARDOUGNE_TELEPORT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_WIND_BLAST - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_WIND_BOLT - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_WIND_STRIKE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_WIND_SURGE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPELL_WIND_WAVE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SpellId() - Constructor for class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.SpellId
SPRITE_SELECTED_VALUE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
SPRITE_UNSELECTED_VALUE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalSettingValues
STANDARD - Enum constant in enum class rsb.methods.Game.ChatMode
start - Variable in class rsb.util.SkillTracker
start() - Method in class rsb.event.EventManager
Spawns a daemon event thread.
start() - Method in class rsb.util.SkillTracker
Updates all the skills within the current array and starts the time at the currentTimeMillis.
Start - Enum constant in enum class rsb.service.Monitoring.Event
started - Variable in class rsb.util.SkillTracker
startExp - Variable in class rsb.util.SkillTracker
STATS - Enum constant in enum class rsb.methods.GameGUI.Tab
StdRandom - Class in rsb.util
The StdRandom class provides static methods for generating random number from various discrete and continuous distributions, including uniform, Bernoulli, geometric, Gaussian, exponential, Pareto, Poisson, and Cauchy.
STEEL_SKIN - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.Prayer
stopAllScripts() - Method in class rsb.internal.PassiveScriptHandler
stopAllScripts() - Method in class rsb.internal.ScriptHandler
stopScript() - Method in class rsb.internal.PassiveScriptHandler
stopScript() - Method in class rsb.internal.ScriptHandler
stopScript() - Method in class rsb.script.Script
Stops the current script without logging out.
stopScript(boolean) - Method in class rsb.script.Script
Stops the current script; player can be logged out before the script is stopped.
stopScript(int) - Method in class rsb.internal.PassiveScriptHandler
stopScript(int) - Method in class rsb.internal.ScriptHandler
store - Variable in class rsb.methods.MethodContext
The singleton of store
Store - Class in rsb.methods
Store related operations.
STORE_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetInfo
[STORE] Widget Info
STORE_INVENTORY_ITEMS_CONTAINER - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetInfo
StringUtil - Class in rsb.util
StringUtil() - Constructor for class rsb.util.StringUtil
stripFormatting(String) - Static method in class rsb.methods.Menu
Strips HTML tags.
SUPERHUMAN_STRENGTH - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.Prayer
SW - Enum constant in enum class rsb.wrappers.RSCharacter.DIRECTION
SWITCH - Enum constant in enum class rsb.methods.Game.ChatMode
SystemConsoleHandler - Class in rsb.internal
Logs to System.out
SystemConsoleHandler() - Constructor for class rsb.internal.SystemConsoleHandler
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