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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


ULTIMATE_STRENGTH - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalWidgetId.Prayer
uniform() - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Returns a random real number uniformly in [0, 1).
uniform(double, double) - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Returns a random real number uniformly in [a, b).
uniform(int) - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Returns a random integer uniformly in [0, n).
uniform(int, int) - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Returns a random integer uniformly in [a, b).
uniform(long) - Static method in class rsb.util.StdRandom
Returns a random long integer uniformly in [0, n).
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.OperatingSystem
unmaximizeWindow() - Static method in class rsb.util.WindowUtil
"Unmaximizes" the window.
unpack(Object) - Static method in class rsb.util.OutputObjectComparer
Returns the object as an array example usage: String[] names = new String[]{"rb", "xz", "ux", "pt", "ye"}; for (String name : names) { try { Method method = player.getClass().getMethod(name); Object[] output = OutputObjectComparer.unpack(method.invoke(player)); log.debug("Name: " + name); for (int i = 0; i (less than) output.length; i++) { log.debug("Output:" + (int) output[i]); } log.debug("\n\n"); } catch (Exception e) { } }
UNREACHABLE_BANKERS - Static variable in class rsb.methods.Bank
up - Variable in class rsb.script.Random
up - Variable in class rsb.testsScript.Test
update() - Method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptSelector
Updates the script panel
update(int) - Method in class rsb.util.SkillTracker
Updates a single skill dependent on the index of the skill.
UPDATE - Static variable in class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths.URLs
updateAccountList() - Method in class rsb.plugin.ScriptPanel
Redefines the list of accounts in the dropdown list with an updated set of values by reassigning the model
updateAll() - Method in class rsb.util.SkillTracker
Updates all skills within the skills array.
updateInput(RuneLite, int) - Method in class rsb.internal.ScriptHandler
updateNpcs() - Method in class rsb.internal.NewHooks
URLs() - Constructor for class rsb.internal.globval.GlobalConfiguration.Paths.URLs
useItem(int, int) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Uses two items together.
useItem(int, RSObject) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Uses an item on an object.
useItem(String, String) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Uses two items together.
useItem(String, RSObject) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Uses an item on an object.
useItem(RSItem, RSItem) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Uses two items together.
useItem(RSItem, RSObject) - Method in class rsb.methods.Inventory
Uses an item on an object.
USER_AGENT - Static variable in class rsb.botLauncher.RuneLite
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form