All Classes and Interfaces

Selected account information.
A class that acts as effectively a single button to launch the account manager interface
Provides Base64 encoding and decoding as defined by RFC 2045.
Game world and projection calculations.
Camera related operations.
A character moved event.
Combat related operations.
Bot environment related operations.
Equipment related operations.
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of one argument.
Game state and GUI operations.
Different Types of Chat Modes
For internal use to find GUI components.
An enumerated type representing the tabs interfaces and their WidgetInfo.
Provides Prayer Book(s) Information.
The list of widget info in the form of (parent, child) The [Group] at the start and end denotes a segment Though it is not indicative of the underlying parent interface Rather just for grouping and potentially future updating purposes
Obtains information on tradeable items from the Grand Exchange website and Grand Exchange ingame interaction.
Provides access to ground items.
Provides access to interfaces.
Inventory related operations.
Keyboard related operations.
Non swing methods are thread safe.
Magic tab and spell related operations.
Provides Magic Book(s) Information.
Context menu related operations.
A message event.
For internal use to link MethodProviders.
A class that provides methods that use data from the game client.
Provides access to methods that can be used by RSBot scripts.
Mouse related operations.
This class contains field required for mixins and runelite hooks to work.
Provides access to non-player characters.
Provides access to in-game physical objects.
A paint update event.
A record designed to hold a pair of information
Player related operations.
An interface for position related information regarding sub-classes (Tile position, position of animation, and adjusting the camera to the object)
Prayer related operations.
Queue<N extends NodeSub>
Represents a shape made of RSTiles.
Represents an item on a tile.
Represents an item (with an id and stack size).
A screen space model.
A wrapper for a tile object which interprets the underlying tile objects type and furthermore acts as a factory for the RSModel of the RSObject (refer to getModel for better explanation) RSObject can represent any types game object
The type of game object Game, Decorative, Ground, or Wall
Represents a path to walk along in game.
Defines the path traversal options.
Represents a player.
A class to assign coordinates and game-levels to tile objects for internal use Should be using World location values.
A path consisting of a list of tile waypoints.
Provides access to game settings.
This class is for all the skill calculations.
The StdRandom class provides static methods for generating random number from various discrete and continuous distributions, including uniform, Bernoulli, geometric, Gaussian, exponential, Pareto, Poisson, and Cauchy.
Store related operations.
Logs to System.out
An event that specifies a line index and graphics object on which a TextPaintListener should paint a line of text.
Tile related operations.
A Timer
Trade handling.
Walking related operations.
Main application window and dialog utilities.